Title: Death Before Dawn
Series: Jack Mallory Mysteries #4





Pages: 257

The power goes out in one suburban neighborhood leaving its residents in early morning darkness. And for one of them the lights go out permanently.

Detective Jack Mallory receives a call to report to the murder scene. It’s his day off, but you don’t say no to the Chief of Detectives.

He arrives with his partner, Detective Shaun Travis, to find nearly every cop in the city has responded. This case is personal. The victim is one of their own, and the top brass want answers.

In book four of the Jack Mallory Mysteries series, Death Before Dawn, Jack is tasked with sifting through a suspect list that seems never ending; each with a motive and an alibi.

Is the murderer someone close to the victim or just a criminal looking to extract a little revenge? A crime of passion or a well-planned execution? Follow Jack and his team as they track down every lead on their quest to find the killer.

Also in this series: